
Exclusive eAnnouncement - $80
eAnnouncement is a fancy way to describe email advertising with AskSandyRogers.com.
It is sent to subscribers interested in holistic health, metaphysics, spirituality, and conscious living. Currently, most subscribers are in the Greater Phoenix, Arizona, area, with some around the state
and others around the globe. I have been providing this service since 2005.
My eAnnouncement service is perfect for promoting your event, workshop, webinar, special announcement, book launch, or business.
Specifications: Attach the Ad and the Word document in an email to Sandy@AskSandyRogers.com
The AD: It needs to be in JPG or PNG format. The size needs to be 8” x 10” and can be in portrait
(vertical) or landscape (horizontal) format.
Think about what your ad would look like in a magazine..
That is how it will look in this eAnnouncement.
The Content: Provide the following information in a Word document in this order:
Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Address, City, State, Zip Code
Your Email Address where I will send a PayPal invoice to
Your Website Address
The date(s) you want your ad to run
What is the Subject Line for the email promotion
The hyperlink to the website where you want to direct readers to learn more about what
you are promoting.
Up to 150-word description of what you are promoting