A Bit About Me...
Welcome to AskSandyRogers.com!
Many years ago, I discovered that the names Sandy, Sandra, Alexandra, and all the derivatives originally meant “helper and defender of mankind.” For anyone who knows me personally or professionally, they can attest to the fact that that is, indeed, who I am.
I have over 30 years of experience in the corporate world, but I am now doing what I love – connecting people to others or to businesses they need. I am especially committed
to helping those individuals who are solopreneurs in the fields of metaphysics, spirituality,
or holistic health in promoting themselves and their business.
One of the services I provide is something I coined “eAnnouncements.” eAnnouncements are a paid service that I deliver via email to subscribers to my mailing list, where I promote their events, services, businesses, or general public service announcements. It’s like a magazine with advertising, except it’s sent via email.
In addition, I’m available to mentor you on how to get back to Marketing 101 basics.
Please reach out to me if you need a referral to someone for personal or business needs.
If I don’t know who to refer you to for your specific needs, I probably know someone
who can help.
I look forward to hearing from you. And don't forget to have fun!
In Gratitude and Appreciation!
Sandy Rogers